
KIX Observation Hall Opening hours : 10:00-17:00
* Sky Museum Opening hours : 11:00-16:00

* Business days and hours are subject to change depending on circumstances. Please check our website before coming.

Visitors coming by car

Airport connection bridge Sky Gate Bridge

Click here for fees and details.

Even better rates for use of ETC

See the NEXCO West Japan website for details. open in new tab


KIX Observation Hall Opening hours : 10:00-17:00
* Sky Museum Opening hours : 11:00-16:00

* Business days and hours are subject to change depending on circumstances. Please check our website before coming.

Parking area congestion situation

As of 17:28 10/9/2018

Observation Hall Open parking Open

Parking fees

100 yen to 110 yen / 20 minutes

* Parking fee 1 hour free by using over ¥2,000 in the viewing hall!

Visitors coming by motorcycle

Use the space designated for motorcycles in the large bus parking area beside the observation hall. (Free of charge)

By Train, Bus, or Airplane

Use the bus (free of charge) heading to the observation hall leaving from the No. 1 bus terminal at Terminal 1.(the time required: approx. 6 minutes)

1F International/Domestic Arrival Floor

Bus timetable

KIX Observation Hall Opening hours : 10:00-17:00
* Sky Museum Opening hours : 11:00-16:00

* Business days and hours are subject to change depending on circumstances. Please check our website before coming.

To Observation Hall

  1. Bus Stop No.1 at Terminal 1
  2. Observation Hall
  from Bus Stop No.1
at Terminal 1
from Observation Hall
Sky View
8 00 20 40 10 30 50
9 00 30 20 50
10 00 30 20 50
11 00 30 20 50
12 00 30 20 50
13 00 30 20 50
14 00 30 20 50
15 00 30 20 50
16 00 30 20 50
17 00 10 40
18 30 40

  • TripAdvisor

Kansai International Airport Observation Hall SkyView
1 Senshukukokita, Izumisano 549-0001, Osaka Prefecture 549-0001
TEL: 072-455-2082 (10:00 - 17:00)
FAX: 072-455-2097