Wireless Access Points


Feel free to make use of KIXs wireless LAN service.
The wireless LAN service can be used in all areas of Terminal 1 (except some parts of the traffic lines for international arrivals), Terminal1 bus station, railway station, all areas of Aeroplaza, all areas of Terminal 2, and all areas of the Sky View Observation Hall.

  • Browse the Net via your own laptop computer.
  • Free of charge.
  • No application procedures needed to connect.
  • Please agree to the precautions and prohibited acts in using this service.
  • You must have a wireless LAN card (IEEE802.11b/g,a,n,ac) to use this service.
  • Select the "_FreeWiFi-KansaiAirports" "_FreeWiFi-KansaiAirports_2.4G" SSID.

When using the free Wi-Fi service ("the Service") provided by Kansai Airports, be aware of the following points:


  • 1. While the use of wireless LAN is free, you are responsible for costs associated with any non-free online services.
  • 2. Data is not encrypted between your device (PC or smartphone, etc.) and wireless access points.

    * User security is ensured by prohibiting communication between wirelessly connected devices.

  • 3. User access logs are recorded and stored. These logs may be provided to an investigative organization if there is suspicion of involvement in a crime or the like.
  • 4. The Service may not always be available due to device compatibility, system problems, and other factors.
  • 5. NKIAC shall not be liable for any damage or loss arising from the use of the Service.
  • 6. When using the Service, please comply with the Act on the Prohibition of Unauthorized Computer Access.
  • 7. This service may be suspended without warning, due to maintenance, etc.

The following acts are prohibited with regard to the use of the Service:

Prohibited Acts

  • 1. Any act that infringes on or may infringe on the privacy rights or other rights of another user and/or third party.
  • 2. In addition to those acts described to in the previous clause, any act that inflicts or may inflict disadvantage on or damage to another user, a third party, the operation of Kansai International Airport, or the operation of an aircraft.
  • 3. Slanderous acts.
  • 4. Any act that is offensive or may be offensive to public order and morals and any act of providing information that is offensive to public order and morals.
  • 5. Any criminal act or act that leads to or may lead to a criminal act.
  • 6. Any act related to sexual mores, religion, and/or politics.
  • 7. Any act of using or providing a harmful program such as a computer virus via wireless LAN or using or providing such a program in relation to wireless LAN.
  • 8. Any act of sending a large volume of e-mail to a large specified or unspecified number of people for the purposes of mail-order business, multi-level marketing, business opportunity related sales, or the like.
  • 9. In addition to all of the acts mentioned in the preceding clauses, any act that infringes on or may infringe on the law and any act that judges to be inappropriate.

In the event that NKIAC, the user him/herself, and/or a third party incurs damage as a result of any of the preceding acts on the part of the user, the user shall assume all legal liability even after using the Service and NKIAC shall assume no liability whatsoever.