
Bus Stops

To KIX To Terminal 1: Take a bus bound for Kansai International Airport (KIX) from your point of origin.
All buses arrive at the International Departures Lobby on the 4th floor of Terminal 1.
To Terminal 2: Some buses go direct to Terminal 2, 1F after stopping at Terminal 1, 4F (please check the timetable.).
All other buses stop at Terminal 1, 4F.
From Terminal 1, please use free shuttle bus (The free shuttle bus between Terminal 1 and Terminal 2 departs from Aeroplaza 1F, Terminal 1).
From KIX To catch bus from Terminal 1: Go to the bus stop outside the 1st floor of Terminal 1.
All buses toward the destination start from here.
Tickets can be purchased from the ticket vending machines located outside the 1st floor of Terminal 1.
To catch bus from Terminal 2: Go to the bus stop outside the 1st floor of Terminal 2.
Tickets can be purchased from the ticket vending machines located outside the 1st floor of Terminal 2.
For passengers arriving at Terminal 2, some destinations can be boarded at Terminal 2.
All other destinations board at Terminal 1, 1F.
From Terminal 2 to Terminal 1, please use free shuttle bus (The free shuttle bus departs from outside of Terminal 2 to 1F of Aeroplaza Terminal 1).
For more information, visit our information desk or ask bus staff.

Terminal 1 Building

1F International/Domestic Arrival Floor

*1 For detailed information check directly with the hotel.

*2 Shuttle bus fare is included in High-Speed Ferry tickets.

Terminal 2 Building