Today's Flight / Search Result

Each airline company provides the information listed on this page their for passenger flights and the original KIAC system offers information for cargo flights. However weather conditions and other factors may cause disruptions to timetables. This information may not be updated immediately. Always contact your airline in such case.

Click here for a list of contact details for airlines operating from KIX

* Check your flight schedule for local arrival time and departure time

Departure/Arrival of Peach, Jeju Air, Spring Airlines

Peach, JEJU AIR and Chunqiu Airlines' flights use Terminal 2 for both departure and arrival.
All other airlines' flights will depart and arrive at the Terminal 1 building.

* To move between the two terminals, use the free shuttle bus service.

Other notices

  • The actual check-in counters, wing/gate, spot may differ from the the search results. Always confirm the information at the airport.
  • "Code share flights" are flights which are jointly operated and serviced by two or more airline companies using a single aircraft. Because more than one airline company is involved, code share flights may actually have two or more different flight numbers but still use the same aircraft. The main carrier uses their own equipment, and the secondary carrier (or carriers) uses the equipment of the airline offering the service. Also, code share flights does not list cargo flights.

Search Results

International/Departure Flight Information 2025/02/13 19:51:02

* "Code share flights" are flights which are jointly operated and serviced by two or more airline companies using a single aircraft. Because more than one airline company is involved, code share flights may actually have two or more different flight numbers but still use the same aircraft. The main carrier showed on the top of list uses their own equipment, and the secondary carrier (or carriers) uses the equipment of the airline offering the service.

Swipe Left

(Code sharing)
Flight No.
(Code sharing)
Terminal Check-In Counter Wing Gate Type Current Status
AMSTERDAM KLM Royal Dutch Airlines
(Air France)
T1 E
South/21 B787 DEPARTED

Flight / Hotel reservation (Skyscanner)

Find the lowest prices on airfare and hotel rooms with Skyscanner, which offers real-time comparisons of airfare and hotel room prices from roughly 1,200 airlines, low-cost carriers, and travel agencies from around the world, all in one place! *

*Note: This service is provided by Skyscanner, and the Kansai Airports make no guarantee of reservation details. If you have any questions, contact Skyscanner open in new tab.